CSN Lyrics 1b

Chioma SuperNormal. The Dark Album

Songs in 2 parts repeat the same lyrics, as do live versions.

Disc 1; track 7

7 Rimble Man (3:14)

Feet crunch frozen snow beneath cold dog star
Cries the Rimble-Man
She can hear him moan and goad
If you see the Rimble-Man
Take care for 'e carries a heavy load

Rimble-Man comes
And Rimble-Man goes
The Rimble-Man knows
That he'll sully and stain
Any, but a Saint, who tries to shame
Rimble-Man leaves nothing but pain.

And every song she'd ever sung
Reminds her of the one
Seeping out the lips of the nimble Rimble-Man

Rimble-Man comes
And Rimble-Man goes
The Rimble-Man knows
That he'll sully and stain
Any, but a Saint, who tries to shame
Rimble-Man leaves nothing but pain.

So sleep and dream
Rimble-Man creeps beneath the sheet
An abortion out his drooling soodling sack

Down burns and gullies rolls his frosty tumbling sodden sack
Wherever she goes Rimble-Man knows
He'll sully, survive that w'men who tried to cling 'im down.


Continue to disc 1; tracks 8-12